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Tuesday 8 December 2015

8th day of Manga Advent Calendar 2015

8th day of Manga Advent Calendar 2015
Hello everyone, here is the eighth day of Manga Advent Calendar 2015.Now as I said as yesterday’s hint that today’s manga is Another Horror manga but it’s the best one I have read in a long time. Today’s manga is Doubt.
I bought this manga when I finished Deadman Wonderland and I was looking for some amazing manga to read. I wanted something with the with the mystery elements I really enjoyed about dead man Wonderland but with some murder/serial killing elements that I enjoy from games such as corpse party. I found out that doubt had such amazing reviews from my friends who have already finished it I thought I would give it a try. When I bought the first novel I was so intent on reading it I missed my bus stop and had to walk from the other side of my town in order to get home. This novel is good because of its concept and also the spin-off novels are extremely well crafted as well but for the purposes of this review I will be focusing on the first novel series (but the spin-off novels called Judge and Secret are also really good and I must get round to reading them as well)
the story of doubt is extremely good because it’s possible. That is the scheme known as rabbit doubt in which a group of players must find the killer as the players get picked off one by one. It is similar to the game known as Mafia (or if you play this on Facebook Kira Online) now a group of six people who play the game online are dragged into a situation where it is the real-life version of the game. One of them is the killer and others must discover who the killer is in order to escape. The concept of the story is really simplistic but as with Battle Royale we see in-depth about each character’s story and motives and how they could potentially be the killer.
The story of this manga is very well made it has plot twists galore and it leaves you guessing till the last moment. It is as I believe, the best mystery/suspense manga to date and I’m sure it will get an anime soon (next 2 years) and I think there needs to be more of this style as this manga is how mystery is done right. I Also love the morals that take place within the story (I can’t explain without getting into spoilers) all I can say is that this is a must read.
I love the plot twists and this is why I love this manga so much. This year I got really into thrillers and all the plot elements that come in to these shows. This manga has made its self-known for being the manga version of a thriller movie, that’s why I chose it.

I shall see you guys tomorrow for the 9th day of the Manga Advent Calendar, here is this hint for today. The manga I will be looking into tomorrow is an old school manga that has been given a facelift.

(Side Note: yesterday I fell whilst I was ice-skating, I passed out and I hurt my back. I did not need to the hospital,I’m just a bit sore.I am doing okey as i had a good nap today.I have been told to take it easy but I will still be doing my Manga Advent Calendar) 

Bye for now

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