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Sunday 6 December 2015

6th day of Manga Advent Calendar 2015

6th day of Manga Advent Calendar 2015
Hello everyone, here is the sixth day of Manga Advent Calendar 2015.Now as I said as yesterday’s hint that the manga is the is a mystery oriented manga that has many twists and turns and a very deep plot but once you get further in to the story you understand the story much clearer than from the beginning. Today’s manga selection is Mahou Shoujo MadokaMagica.

This was my first manga that I bought with the earnings from my first job, it was the first time I had independently sourced my own money. Most of that was a down payment on a trip with my school, so I decided to splurge the remainder of my cash on a nice manga volume from me to read. I remember enjoying the Mahou Shoujo MadokaMagica show but was rather confusing and I never really understood the plot that well. I thought by reading the source material I would understand the show better, and ever since reading the original source material I have become a fan of the franchise. I have seen all of the movies as selected by my Rebellion review but also I have read some of the spin-off novels as well that are more likely to get an adaptation within the next few years.

Now the story of Mahou Shoujo MadokaMagica within the first volume appears to be your standard magical girl story (if you have not watched the sure or read the original source material please read/watched the original material as it is really good and also I may be going into spoiler territory). A group of girls are protecting people from watchers by using their magical abilities that they have acquired through a contract with an entity known as Kyubey. The main character called Madoka Kaname comes into contact with many other individuals who have chosen to become magical girls. Now as you get further into the story it becomes extremely dark very quick. I’m must stress this is not a story for children or those who are sensitive to dark themes because as though it may have its cutesy appearance and its cutesy opening gets into some really dark areas such as obsession, self-sacrifice and time travel. By reading the original source material you can understand how the outcome of rebellion came to be.

 One of the main things I had an issue with in the Anime and thefirst two flims was that some characters did not have the story fleshed out adequately to become interesting for example Mami Tomoe was not given full justice within the show but within the original source material she has given a larger part to play (and also within the extra spin-off novels she is given even more fleshing out which makes me enjoy her character a lot more) also Kyouko Sakura is in a similar situation. Overall considering these characters are fleshed out this and other material does not hamper my enjoyment of the original material. With the addition of the new rebellion manga storyline being introduced soon I imagine that all of the interconnected characters will come within the rebellion storyline. There have been a lot of debate on whether or not the franchise will get another anime or not and personally I could see expansion within the existing universe particularly with Mahou Shoujo KazumiMagica: innocent malice storyline or The Legend of "Jeanne d'Arc" storyline.

The reason why I love this series so much is because it has a child friendly appearance but has serious dark undertones and brings in a lot of interesting questions into the series. Questions about morals whether you should spend your ultimate wish for yourself or others. You can also see the decline of somebody psychological state particularly with Sayaka Miki which the second volume of the manga is completely devoted to her decline. I enjoy seeing very vast changes on an original idea because the series as known as complete rework of the magical girl concept, which is be honest I feel as though this volume is a memory of my first achievement in being independent which I hope to continue into the New Year, that is why I chose this manga to be part of my Manga Advent calendar.

I shall see you guys tomorrow for the 6th day of the Manga Advent Calendar, here is this hint for today. The manga I will be looking into tomorrow is one of my personal favourite shonen manga ,and before you guys ask no it is not one of the big three.

Bye for now

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