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Friday 4 December 2015

4th day of Manga Advent Calendar 2015

4th day of Manga Advent Calendar 2015

Hello everyone, here is the fourth day of Manga Advent Calendar 2015.Now as I said as yesterday’s hint that the manga as a horror manga that deals a lot with demand but has a deeper plot than anybody thinks. as today’s Manga selection is Deadman Wonderland.
I remember when I bought this manga, I had just done a massive presentation for a friend of mine and I as a thank you received Amazon vouchers, I noticed this was newly released on the store and I was intrigued. The anime was okay at best but I adhered to feel that the manga was far more intense than the show so I decided to buy it. Once I bought the first volume of the manga I finished the complete manga collection in about a week, this has to be one of the most intense manga I have read and that’s why I love it because it reminds me of the intense situation I had to do when I was delivering that presentation.

Now the tale of Deadman Wonderland is pretty complex as you go through the story but today I will be referring to volume 1 only. A young boy called Ganta Igarashi is chilling with his classmates when suddenly an entity known as the Redman murders all of his classmates. With Ganta being the sole survivor of the affair there is evidence planted to make it out as though Gant committed the crime, he is then sentenced to death row in dead man wonderland prison. Dead man wonderland prison is a cross between Disneyland and death-row, all of the inmates are fitted with collars that administer lethal poison constantly, and the only antidote is candy. Antidote can only be bought with credits that are received for competing in games such as a death obstacle course. Gant is then thrown into this world where he must survive as well as understand his new powers that the Redman gave as a survivor. He then meets an old childhood friend named Shiro who is very mysterious and apparently lives within the prison. There are a lot of unanswered questions that happen within the first volume so I cannot fully explain the plot without going into spoiler territory.

This manga is pretty good, it is similar to battle royale in the concept that that everybody has their own motivations/reasons for being within the prison and I love the variance of characters that can occur within the story. There are also a lot of twists and turns within the story within further volumes and even at the end of the first volume there are many questions left unanswered but as you go down through the manga volumes there are even more questions left unanswered until the final few that wrap up the story in a bow. Now, the show was good but it left one key character out of this manga who has severe significance later within the story (Azami Midō) and to be honest the show was cut short and could have become a very interesting story had received a second season/longer run but of course it wasn’t that popular within Japan so it never got the second season it deserved. The prison setting within the manga is an amazing because it’s a cross between a prison, a theme park and a zoo now you’re probably wondering what do I mean by multiple crosses between three different attractions so I shall explain it’s a theme park because it has rides and attractions, it’s a prison because it keeps the prisoners in check with the collars (also has very interesting/attractive guards a.k.a. Kiwako Makina) and also a zoo because the patron to come to the theme park watch games with the prisoners were murdered. Overall it’s a pretty disturbing concept for a story which is why enjoyed because it’s out of the ordinary and is not socially acceptable within modern society to have something like that.

The reason why I chose this manga for my Manga Advent calendar is because this year I have become so attracted to the concept of alternative realities. For example, within dead man wonderland the rest of the world is fine except for the fact that it is now morally acceptable to have a present like dead man wonderland. I love seeing how the world can be completely different in the mind of a writer, how they can twist their own story based on the real world and craft their own story instead of playing with old overused tropes (a.k.a. apocalypse scenarios) I also got really into the whole multi-verse theory this year which is possible so technically within the infinite universes that may be existing there is one where dead man wonderland story can exist and the same with other anime concepts. If somebody says that anime is not possible I would personally say well since the multi-verse theory as possible in the infinite universes that make it is possible that an anime like scenario may exist in that world. That is why alternative errors are so attractive from a story point of view.

I shall see you guys tomorrow for the 5th day of the Manga Advent Calendar, here is this hint for today. The manga I will be looking into tomorrow. is the story of me as a weird child when I moved to a new town and all the strange antics I got up to.


Bye for now

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