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Sunday 23 October 2016

The highlight films from Scotland Loves Anime 2016

Hello, I have been unable to write a blog post recently due to my large amount of university work and for that I am sorry, but I am writing this special article for you to advise you on fantastic movies I have seen and one was my personal favourite. One of the movies is called Silent Voice and other is called Your Name. Now probably have heard of Your Name if not just possible probably recognise the poster below. And Silent Voice was based on an incredibly interesting short manga. Let’s get this review started!


Silent voice is innovative because it highlights issues in Japanese culture regarding the treatment of disabled people as one of the main cast in this movie is deaf. Now there is a lot of stigma surrounding treatment of disabled people and the concept that they are lesser or weaker than regular people these issues are brought into the original source material, young student transfers Nishimiya Shōko to this new school and the class as student because the ranging from destruction of hearing aids to refusing to communicate via the notepad that is used. The source material is extremely upsetting and I can personal due to the concept being subdivided by not only your classmates but also lack of assistance via teachers until the closing scenes in the book. The movie is extremely expanding about main character Shoya and how he himself has suffered due to everyone blaming him for the events. He tries to make connections with people from his past and character but his insecure due to the suffering caused which causes him to have issues with self-esteem. This is the most I can get into the source material and spoiler which creates feels, so I will link the original comic here.
The art style was done by Kyoto animation shows the vibrancy and the colours and one of the highway art pieces is the water that is used throughout this, whether it be tears or rivers looks vibrant and colourful so that is my highlight piece of animation for this. The side characters get a lot of focus which is refreshing but also the soundtrack to this movie is exciting and very relaxing I will be listening to the soundtrack in my own time. When this film comes out on DVD which I hope it will (shout out to you All the Anime, please make this happen) I expect wonderful collector’s edition with the original source manga and the DVD and Blu-ray with a wonderful holographic design to demonstrate the fantastic art style that is used. I went into this film having expectations not particularly high one’s expectations and my expectations were absolutely smashed. This film is put in my special category for funds I think are quintessentially essential for any person who is into anime to watch I score this 10 out of 10. It was flawless in my opinion and I feel that it needs to be recognised.

Your Name, I had high expectations for this film since I’d been seeing it all the social media and how it smashed box office records in Japan. The one comment I can make about the story is that if you go into this film not knowing anything about it you’re more likely to witness the full experience of the movie, but at the same time I don’t know if this plot could be subsequently spoiled through the use of social media and people reviewing like myself so I am respecting the art piece and not talking about the main plot into much detail. All I can say is that it’s about a girl and boy and a change of experience which causes them to be drawn together through strange circumstances. If you think about it sounds like a basic romance anime plot will it’s very sophisticated laying out and demonstrating plot. There are some details that you find confusing when you first examine them but more plot twists are revealed through the movie you understand why those things were strange.
After seeing this film, I can understand why its crushing box office records, the animation is beautiful it makes me want to take a screensaver of almost every sky frame, the music and this is fantastic I would listen to this music on repeat whilst reading or on the box just calms and relaxes you. This film does require further watching and I do have the intention to watch again to get the fullness of the movie as the role what of references that I did not understand but I want to understand for example sitting posture and use of pronouns.Makoto Shinkai has acquired the reputation for having beautifully animated films but they may have a flaw of some kind whether it be in regards to length or detail in the plot, but this one hits all the right notes to produce “perfect movie” I’m using inverted quotation marks you because that is no such thing as a perfect movie because everyone has different movie tastes. For me I think this film scores 10 out of 10 as well.
I cannot compare these works of art because by comparing them you are criticising their flaws for which is insulting the movie itself.These are such lovely movies and it was an honour to see them in conjunction with Scotland loves anime 2016. I would recommend seeing both of these films because they bring something different to the movie experience one brings a very interesting commentary on bullying and disabled opinion within Japanese culture. The other movie brings in interesting experience that deserves to be isolated from spoilers and should be respected in that format. Both of these funds strike a chord with me and I joined them both which is why I’m telling you about them so you can find them or see them within your own abilities whether it be through Netflix physical copy etc.You need to see these films. I hope you enjoyed this review my next review will be commenting on the previous summer season and the recent fall season thank you very much.

Regards Fiona