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Monday 30 May 2016

Kita Con 2016 Post

Hello everybody, sorry for the delay as my studies are done after some massive exams and sorry for the lack of content but I would like to give you this update on how Kita Con went during the 1st to 3rd April 2016. Now I must first explain what could to conquer about is it is a residential convention that takes place at Birmingham every year and it showcases a lot of anime related activities and merchandise. It is all are not what smaller scale than larger events that take place around the country such as MCM series of events that are related more to comic books and general fandom’s rather than aimed specifically at anime. This event was very interesting as I have never been to such a small but large scale anime event, and I shall provide insight to those of my readers who were unable to attend or are curious in case of attending next time.


Now first of all I must inform you that the journey from my hometown Edinburgh to Birmingham took a long time due to traffic but beside that we made excellent time. We were booked in at a nearby hotel for convenience due to it being cheaper and more affordable (the more money we save on the hotel the more money that can be spent on merchandise) so then we registered in the event and were given a wonderful con bag, which included the programme for the events that had wonderful artwork submitted by fans and map of the Leo of the building due to the size of the building it would have been hard to navigate without it and an amazing glow stick that was reusable and battery powered.
here is an example of one of the panels with the amazing team of Kita Con
We then attended the opening ceremony (after a quick change of course of course as I was in my travel outfit when I registered) in which the house rules and format for the event were laid out including several jokes that would become the staple of the weekend. The main joke that was the staple of the weekend was the phrase “Safe” due to the safety officers that were briefing everybody on how to correctly use the glow sticks their catchphrase of being safe and not safe became a staple joke for all attendees during the weekend and personally it was a very funny joke and made the event more community-based due to everybody having the same sense of humour. The event also was 18+ so there were various panels specifically for those of the devious nature for example there was a Yuri event etc. photo bellow are the people who  won the cosplay contest they were Mad Moxxi, Tiny Tina & Handsome Jack  from borderlands and the real people were Pinnku, Miro & JediKnight

There were also some really cool cosplays going around such as not only ones from anime but also games like Danganronpa and League of Legends which is good because it means that all types of cosplay are respected whether they were made or bought. The atmosphere surrounding the convention was very good, which overall created and memorable convention experience for myself. It also gives me a new drive into understanding the ins and outs of cosplay development, my hope is to make a cosplay for next year (I'm open to suggestions). I also did meet some wonderful vendor's who were selling their merchandise at the convention, Tofu Cute is a name of not as they were selling a large selection of snacks and cute merchandise such as the Alpacasso Alpaca. They were selling goodie bags of snacks which I could not turn down as I love surprises and snacks. There were also sellers selling figures, model kits and many other things. From what I can understand there was a lack of fake merchandise which I consider to be one of the best things about the convention the fact that they make sure to have the best things for the goers. over all it was amazing and I know im going next year so im planning next year already

Over all it was amazing and I have been wanting to tell you all about this. So now that this is done I can do my exam and then make more articles for you all and hopefully some craft projects over the summer. There will be a snack review coming up next as I bought £30.00 worth of snacks for you guys so im willing to get sick for the readers

Regards Fiona